Zoe Victoria

Thursday, February 21, 2008

So, maybe you're wondering what a two-year-old does all day long. Well, here is a little glimpse into an average day in Zoe's life. There is lots of baking (and the food very rarely gets eaten) like these delightful Valentine cupcakes, and several tea parties per day. Very exciting stuff.
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This was one of my favorite Zoe moments of late. I had been trying to convince her to get dressed so we could leave the house. Eventually I gave up and let her do her own thing. She put together this little ensemble and announced, "Me all set!"
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Some silly pics:

Zoe has some very strong opinions about her shoes, hair, and makeup these days. Naked is usually her favorite look, but as long as she is wearing either pants OR a shirt (not both though, NO WAY!), that's okay too. The best part is that she changes her shoes about ten times a day.
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Christmas morning- in her new kitchen!

January 2008

Doing some yardwork...
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Just being her pretty self...