Zoe Victoria

Thursday, December 28, 2006


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weight: 20 lbs, 50th percentile
height: 27 1/2 in, 20th percentile
head circumfrence: 19 in, 90th percentile
clothing size: 12 months
YES, this does in fact mean that like her parents, Zoe is short, stocky, and has a huge head.

number of wakings on an average night: 0 (Wooo hooo, it took long enough! Although she DID wake up almost every night last week for the first time in months.)
total hours slept on an average night: 11
number of naps on an average day: 1
total hours napped on an average day: 2
number of teeth: 9

Eating habits:
Zoe is still flatly refusing to eat anything besides Cheerios, crackers, Gerber puffs, cookies, and paper. Sometimes she'll accept some yogurt or a bite of banana or apple, but that's where she draws the line. This is an endless source of stress for us, because every child's parents want to see him or her gobble up all the nutritious food we make for them. Zoe has other ideas though. She will not allow any sort of vegetable near her, and she is horrified by any food that is wet or mushy. But good news---- she likes milk!

Toy preferences:
Her favorite "toy" is still a cell phone, and YES, she knows the difference between working cell phones and broken ones with no service. She also enjoys stuffed animals and any toy that requires manual manipulation like opening or closing parts. The Tonka ride-on toy that her Great-Grandma gave her is a big hit too. Her absolute favorite toys are Wookie and Mia though, which is unfortunate because they both have sharp teeth and claws.

Favorite person besides us: Grandma, hands down. Actually, I'm pretty sure she likes Grandma more than either of her parents.

New skills:
-back-talking in baby babble
-walking backwards
-bobbing her head
-clapping her hands
-opening drawers
-thwarting our attempts at grooming her, including cutting nails and toenails, brushing teeth, combing hair, removing dirt and food from her hands and face
-removing her shoes and socks
-removing her own diaper and peeing on the floor

-being outside
-toy stores
-going through purses and emptying them one item at a time
-when Daddy gets home from work

-getting dressed
-wearing hats, headbands, or hair accessories
-most food
-diaper changes
-men with lots of facial hair

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

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