A video of Zoe saying "Mama"... sort of. Please pardon her bare butt; a girl's gotta get a little air on her tush every now and then! (Is it just me, or does Zoe's talking kinda remind you of an old Kung Fu movie?)
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
weight: 19 lbs, 55th percentile
height: 27 1/4 in, 40th percentile
head circumfrence: 17 3/4 in, 77th percentile
clothing size: 9-12 months
number of wakings on an average night: 2
total hours slept on an average night: 10
number of naps on an average day: 2
total hours napped on an average day: 2
number of teeth: 4 (the top 2 have just started pushing through the gums)
Eating habits:
Zoe is still flatly refusing to eat anything besides Cheerios, crackers, Gerber puffs and wagon wheels, and dry cat food. Sometimes she'll accept some yogurt or a few bites of fruit, but she is still standing her ground against any finger foods or veggies. She has finally gotten to the point where she really seems to like formula... but of course, now is the time that we're supposed to be cutting down on bottles and formula.
Toy preferences:
Her favorite "toy" is a tape measure. She also enjoys tubes of lotion or ointment, tags (like the paper price tags off new clothes), the plastic clip off our of cordless phone, remote controls, and cell pones.
As for REAL toys... well, she could take it or leave it.
Favorite person besides us: Grandma, hands down.
New skills:
-saying "dadadadadada" or "mamababamaba"
-standing up unassisted for a minute or two
-taking a few actual steps before crashing down
-bonking her head on any available hard surface
-crawling really really fast
-overpowering Wookie (the cat)
-thwarting our attempts at grooming her, including cutting nails and toenails, brushing teeth, combing hair, removing dirt and food from her hands and face
-being naked
-being outside
-walks in her stroller
-banging on the clothes dryer
-pulling glasses off people's faces
-wearing shoes
-wearing hats, headbands, or hair accessories
-being fed
-diaper changes
weight: 19 lbs, 55th percentile
height: 27 1/4 in, 40th percentile
head circumfrence: 17 3/4 in, 77th percentile
clothing size: 9-12 months
number of wakings on an average night: 2
total hours slept on an average night: 10
number of naps on an average day: 2
total hours napped on an average day: 2
number of teeth: 4 (the top 2 have just started pushing through the gums)
Eating habits:
Zoe is still flatly refusing to eat anything besides Cheerios, crackers, Gerber puffs and wagon wheels, and dry cat food. Sometimes she'll accept some yogurt or a few bites of fruit, but she is still standing her ground against any finger foods or veggies. She has finally gotten to the point where she really seems to like formula... but of course, now is the time that we're supposed to be cutting down on bottles and formula.
Toy preferences:
Her favorite "toy" is a tape measure. She also enjoys tubes of lotion or ointment, tags (like the paper price tags off new clothes), the plastic clip off our of cordless phone, remote controls, and cell pones.
As for REAL toys... well, she could take it or leave it.
Favorite person besides us: Grandma, hands down.
New skills:
-saying "dadadadadada" or "mamababamaba"
-standing up unassisted for a minute or two
-taking a few actual steps before crashing down
-bonking her head on any available hard surface
-crawling really really fast
-overpowering Wookie (the cat)
-thwarting our attempts at grooming her, including cutting nails and toenails, brushing teeth, combing hair, removing dirt and food from her hands and face
-being naked
-being outside
-walks in her stroller
-banging on the clothes dryer
-pulling glasses off people's faces
-wearing shoes
-wearing hats, headbands, or hair accessories
-being fed
-diaper changes
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
She has discovered a new way to prevent me from shoving a spoonful of food into her mouth: shoving her finger into her nose!!! I offer her a bite, she turns her head, and solemnly shoves her food-covered digit into her nostril in a show of defiance. So if you see something orange coming out of her nose, don't worry, she's not an alien... it's just carrots!!