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- So, maybe you're wondering what a two-year-old...
- This was one of my favorite Zoe moments of late. ...
- Some silly pics: Zoe has some very strong opini...
- Christmas morning- in her new kitchen! January 20...
- Zoe was in a fashion show at Babies R Us yesterday...
- Zoe is very impressed with her new boots. (And ye...
- Playing behind the couch cushions, enjoying some H...
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At 9:57 AM ,
karla said...
Love the bunny ears! Hope Zoe had big fun at the zoo; Jake did. He was far more into climbing up on all the park benches and sets of steps than he was looking at the animals, though. We spent the whole day dragging him off benches and trying to get him to look at animals.
At 8:21 AM ,
Anonymous said...
You are doing a great job! Way to go Mom & Dad!!!
Long are the days of our hair color and ear ring days...LOL
Keep up the good work.
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