Zoe's big-girl outfit: leggings and a tunic top. She actually left the headband on for a few minutes before throwing a fit and ripping it off, a la Hulk Hogan.

She had become increasingly codependent lately. She wants to be held all the time for some reason. So I just stick her in this sling and go about my business... I feel a bit like a marsupial.

She had become increasingly codependent lately. She wants to be held all the time for some reason. So I just stick her in this sling and go about my business... I feel a bit like a marsupial.

At 9:31 AM ,
karla said...
Holy Christ, that is a cute baby. You guys are good breeders.
At 3:03 PM ,
karla said...
Hi! You left a comment on my blog asking about my Mother's Day Out program. I LOVE this place, and highly recommend it! It came highly recommended to me by more than one person. I was really skittish about leaving Jake with anyone but his grandma, so I went to see the place with the idea that I might like it, might decide to just keep him at home on those two days. But I love the people who run it, and if you meet them you'll see why. Plus when you see what they do there for the two days the kids are there, you'll love that too. Problem (for you) is they start taking kids at the age of 18 months. So Zoe is about 9 months away from getting in. But check the place out anyway, because you might as well figure out where you want her to go when the time comes. Plus, they fill up fast, so you'll want to get on their list about 3 or 4 months before she turns 18 months, anyway. It's Crestview Mother's Day Out, and it's in Arlington at Sublett and Matlock-ish area. Might be too far away for you guys, I know you're in Ft. Worth. If you want to go with me one day when I pick up Jake at 2:30 on a Tuesday or Thursday, you can check it out. Or just call them and they'll be glad to give you a tour. Jake has never cried when I drop him off there, and is never ready to leave when I come get him--and if you knew Jake, you'd think that was miraculous. Email me if you want their number. My email address is my first and last name at Gmail. PS: Your kid is getting cuter by the second. And I didn't think that was possible.
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